Monday, May 21, 2012

Distractions in business

When we start or have a business, one of our biggest enemy is distractions. Distractions is bad as it derails us from our original and true intention; making us lose focus on what matters, normally leading to wasted money, time and resources.

Distractions come in many forms and guises. For those who are making progress, distractions could be in the form of lifestyle and fun; the women, men, frolicking and all the sweet things on earth. These kinds of distractions would come to those who started making money from their business. We see and hear these kinds of stories all the time; someone falling off his fortune because of a mistress, excessive travelling and lavish lifestyles.  These types of distractions are tests for those who has made it and wishes to either stay on top or go higher.

But those who just started business and have not made it yet are not spared from distractions. For those who just started a business, distractions can come in forms of new ideas and perceived opportunities. In the beginning, you business will have to go the 'budding' phase; it is a phase where the growth is not visible and it could be frustrating at time. During this phase, your impatience may invite you to be distracted with new ideas and perceived opportunities. These distractions are very dangerous as they would cause you to abandon your original plan, leaving it half-baked. Be careful of this distraction of perceived opportunities as it is very intoxicating. Why? Because it is filled with hope and hope drives an entrepreneur high; only that getting 'high' on hope is not going to get you anywhere.

Therefore, my advise is to always check if you are on the right track. I mean have a systematic method to check if you are on the same track and persistently moving along the track. The first thing is to write it down on paper - do not trust your brain with the plan. You need your brain for the execution of your plan; storing the plan itself should be on a piece of paper. make it a point to spare 1/2 an our each monday to go back and read that piece of paper to remind yourself of your goals and plans. Sit down and write what are the things that you are planning to do for the rest of the week and compare that list with your original plan. You would be able to spot clearly, once it is on paper, what are necessary actions and what are the distractions. Cross out the distractions and reclaim back the time and effort that your are planning for that distractions; the very least, you could use the time to be with your family.

Please do not mistake this with the adjustments that you need to make on your track due to reasonable and valid reasons. That adjustments is vital. You must know the difference between adjustment and distractions.

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