Monday, May 6, 2013

My Training Business

In my previous post on moving back on the payroll to support and fund my business ventures (as opposed to seeking government funding/loan etc), one of my passion business, namely the training business has to undergo a change in its business model.

Rather than a full time Training Provider and Speaker, I had to assume a more passive role of Trainer (for Elixireducate) and collaborate with a Training Provider (Symphony Digest).

How did we (Symphony Digest and I) met? Well, I attended one of the training provided by Symphony applying MY First Rule of Business, I offered my service as a trainer for Corporate and Investment topics. What went through my head? 1. There is no shame in making an offer 2. I don't lose anything (ego? doesn't pay for my bills) 3. It is something that I believe that I can do (and I have done it before, but with a different crowd) 4. I know I know my stuff.

I asked my boss and he said it is ok so long as I keep it to weekends on on my day off. We also agreed that this is a great way to market my employer as my audience will be the executives and senior managements of the Malaysian financial industry. Win-win-win scenario

So we decided to give it a go. We were both excited about this prospect.

Symphony had a host of topics that they think I should do. So I applied MY Second Rule of Business "focus". I said lets focus and create a specialization. Let's not bite more than we can chew. So in January 2013 we agreed to start with two topics: First is on Investments in ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) and REITS and the second is on Corporate Finance.

The first training session was on ETF and REITS and it was held on 6 April 2013. The marketing was done in February 2013 and we did not know how the response was going to be; we set the price at a reasonable rate of RM430 per head for a day with lunch. I also marketed the program to my peers and contacts. This will be Yazdi's first time in the market and we did not know how the response is going to be like.I would be very happy if 20 turns up.

In march, I was told initially that 12 signed up. A couple of days later the numbers became 20. But it did not stop there and two weeks before the event, we had to stop taking participants at 60. Symphony said they never had such a large crowd before.

Remember earlier I said that I would be happy if 20 turned up? It changed to me being nervous. Why? The list included directors of banks and heads of investment houses. I know I know my stuffs, but with this crowd, they also know their stuffs. I therefore apply MY Third Businesses rule: prepare to give the best.

In order to give the best, I tripled whatever effort I had planned to expend on this project. If i planned to get 10 source materials, I tripled it to 30. I know that my materials will not be perfect (as perfect does not exist) but I on my way of attaining perfection, I will be really really prepared.

How did it go? I will let the photos tell all :-)

We will be holding another training on Corporate Finance in June. Hopefully we can meet there? Fifteen participants of the previous training already signed up, Alhamdulillah :-)

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