Sunday, November 13, 2011

Turning ugly problems to beautiful opportunities

The following is an excerpt from the Star Newspaper today 14.11.11

"Rising number of complaints scarring beauty and wellness sector


KUALA LUMPUR: The desire to look and feel good is feeding a billion-dollar wellness industry but it remains one of the least regulated sectors in the country.

There have been many reported complaints on cheating, overcharging and botched jobs resulting in permanent disfigurement.

To overcome this problem, the Health Ministry is introducing guidelines next month on the do's and don'ts for the beauty industry, particularly involving invasive procedures."

I am confident that the majority of the beautician and spa are run by responsible people who want's to make honest living by making people better, feel better and look better. However, because of a few bad apples, the whole industry is going to get a severe backlash. Like the Malays say " Kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga" Because of a drop of dye, the whole contained of milk spoils.

Our advise, in you are a beautician in a situation like this is:

  1. Think of your customer first. They must be feeling worried. You must sympathize with them first before they can sympathize with you and your business. In situation like this, it is best if you have the email address of your customers or any means to get in touch with them (like a website or blog or Facebook page).
  2. Do not be defensive. Accept the report to be true; tell your customers that there are bad apples in the industry and of course you are not one of them. Appeal to their emotion, saying that this fiasco is affecting your business badly; but despite all this malady your priority is still your customers, them.
  3. Educate your customer. This is another great chance to 'market' because the customers are really listening. Tell them some of the reasons why beauty process botched up, like allergic reactions, improper advise and the such. ADD how you and your business have procedures to minimize this risk. Don't sell yet, just educate them on what they should look out for when visiting a spa. Be an adviser, be their friend.
  4. Strengthen your ties with the supplier of your products. Again, you supplier will be hit bad too because people will not be buying the beauty products. This is the time to demand for improvement in the product education and certification. Do not demand bigger margin yet, be a friend first. Margin comes when you have improved the sales for your supplier. Ask for all the certificates, information an promotional materials to help re-EDUCATE the customers
 Work Smart Everyone

This article is the joint ideas of Muhamad Yazdi and Wan Muhd Nuhairi of ElixirEducate.

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The Author is the principal of ElixirEducate - a training house for Smart Entrepreneur Program Series. He was an international investment banker, corporate financier and a business coach where he coaches entrepreneurs on building and growing their businesses. You can find more information on ElixirEducate on their facebook page, here.  And be a facebook friend  of Yazdi . Please share this information with your entrepreneur friend who may benefit from this post. They could be an existing entrepreneur or someone who plans to start a business.  You can also join the growing business network of Entrepreneurs in Malaysia by joining this group. Thank you and have a meaningful day. 

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